Recent News
The Platte Center staff strive to keep you updated on all matters related to your community. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will gladly assist you! Subscribe today and receive up to the minute News and important Alerts delivered straight to your inbox.
Snow Storm 3.19.2025
IF YOU ARE WITH OUT POWER! I will open the auditorium doors to anyone that needs a warm place to go! I’ll be there 8 am! We do have a microwave if you want to warm up some food!! We don’t have a shower but we do have running water! Fill up jugs for home! Charge electronics! Let me know if there is anything we can do for you!
Flood Mitigation Efforts
We need your help! Platte Center is improving our community’s resilience for future flooding and hazard events through the FEMA Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Direct Technical Assistance (DTA) initiative. We want to hear from you about past flood events and how they’ve affected your homes, businesses, and daily life. Your valuable input will help guide our efforts.
Groundwater Management Plan Stakeholder Meeting
Open House Public Feedback Needed:
The Lower Platte North Natural Resources District (LPNNRD) is currently updating its Groundwater Management Plan.
Village Clean Up Effort- 5 Year Plan
Village Clean Up Effort - 5 Year Plan
The Village Board of Trustees have passed a 5 year plan to bring all properties in Village limits up to Village Ordinance Code.
Utility Billing
The Village of Platte Center has been hard at work updating our online platform for Utility Billing. You will now have an account that will show past & present utility billing. There is also an option for AUTO-PAY! Which I am most excited about! You may also opt for electronic bills so that you no longer have to keep track of that darn post card!
Source Water Protection Program
Platte Center Source Water Protection Program
The Village of Platte Center is the proud recipient of a state grant to help learn about the landscape around Platte Center to best ensure the safety of the drinking water in town for decades to come. Please visit the link to learn more about the project.
2023 Water Quality Report
The 2023 Water Quality Report for Platte Center, Ne is available at
Garbage Utility Rates
The Village of Platte Center in affiliation with Bud's Sanitary Service regret to inform of Garbage utility rate changes. Due to rising costs of insurance, fuel, salaries, retainment of emplolyees, maintenance and other factors, the Village of Platte Center has raised to the cost of service to $20.25 per month for one tote. Each additional tote will cost $5 extra. This breaks down to $5.06 per week.
Interested in a Neighborhood Watch?
Are you interested in a neighborhood watch program for the Village of Platte Center? The Village of Platte Center, along side Lori Woosley-Uden is exploring the options for a neighborhood watch program in town. Please reach out to Lori via Facebook if interested.
Hiring: Auditorium Custodian
The Village of Platte Center is looking to hire an Auditorium Custodian. Pay is $27 per hour. About 5 hours per month. If you are in interested please call Nicolette at 402-246-2135.
Error in Water Bills
There has been an error in Water Bills. Most bills are showing 0 consumption for water. The meter did not read correctly. Please be aware of this as next month's water bill will be higher than this months. The current bills are only base rates. Please budget accordingly. We appreciate your patience in this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. 402-246-2135.
Village Board Meeting Date Change
The Village Board of Trustees meeting date has changed from July 11th, 2023, to July 18th, 2023. 7PM, Village Office.
5 Days of 4th of July Fun!
Gear up for the most exciting celebration each year in Platte Center over the 4th of July Holiday!
We have 5 days jam-packed with fun for the whole family in store for you for the 51st Anniversary of the 4th of July Parade!
Email Change
Email Address Change
The Village of Platte Center has changed the email address from the former "" to