Recent News
The Platte Center staff strive to keep you updated on all matters related to your community. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will gladly assist you! Subscribe today and receive up to the minute News and important Alerts delivered straight to your inbox.
Frozen Pipes Notice
Christmas Lights Contest is Back!!!!!
Christmas Lights Contest is Back!!!!!
Santa is Coming to Platte Center!
Santa is Coming to Platte Center!
Santa will arrive on a Fire Truck around 6pm at the Auditorium.
Bring the kids to enjoy the Magic of Santa! Write a letter to the North Pole, and other activities
Open Village Board Position
The Village of Platte Center is looking to fill a vacant Board of Trustees Position at the November 14th, 2023 meeting. The vacant position has 3 years left of the term. If you are interested in filling the position please write a letter of interest to the Village of Platte Center prior to November 14th, 2023. Letters will be accepted through email at or through the Drop Box at the front of the Auditorium. Letters of interest must be submitted in order to be eligable for nomination. Please submit 24 hours prior to the meeting. The meeting is November 14th, 2023 at 7pm.
Garbage Utility Rates
The Village of Platte Center in affiliation with Bud's Sanitary Service regret to inform of Garbage utility rate changes. Due to rising costs of insurance, fuel, salaries, retainment of emplolyees, maintenance and other factors, the Village of Platte Center has raised to the cost of service to $20.25 per month for one tote. Each additional tote will cost $5 extra. This breaks down to $5.06 per week.
Interested in a Neighborhood Watch?
Are you interested in a neighborhood watch program for the Village of Platte Center? The Village of Platte Center, along side Lori Woosley-Uden is exploring the options for a neighborhood watch program in town. Please reach out to Lori via Facebook if interested.
Hiring: Auditorium Custodian
The Village of Platte Center is looking to hire an Auditorium Custodian. Pay is $27 per hour. About 5 hours per month. If you are in interested please call Nicolette at 402-246-2135.
Error in Water Bills
There has been an error in Water Bills. Most bills are showing 0 consumption for water. The meter did not read correctly. Please be aware of this as next month's water bill will be higher than this months. The current bills are only base rates. Please budget accordingly. We appreciate your patience in this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. 402-246-2135.
Village Board Meeting Date Change
The Village Board of Trustees meeting date has changed from July 11th, 2023, to July 18th, 2023. 7PM, Village Office.
5 Days of 4th of July Fun!
Gear up for the most exciting celebration each year in Platte Center over the 4th of July Holiday!
We have 5 days jam-packed with fun for the whole family in store for you for the 51st Anniversary of the 4th of July Parade!
Email Change
Email Address Change
The Village of Platte Center has changed the email address from the former "" to
Garage Sales April 29th
Village Wide Garage Sales
Below are the Garage Sale Listings for this Saturday, April 29th
2022 Water Quality Report
The 2022 Water Quality Report has been posted.
Please go to 2022 Water Quality Report to view.
Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 8th, 10:30AM, Elmwood Park
Children Ages 0-8 Come and Join the Fun!
Splash Pad Location Survey!