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Office Closed



A New Little Villager joined the world therefore the office is closed until January 11th, 2022.


I will be checking emails during the time away so please email pcvillage1@eaglecom.net for non-emergency questions/concerns.

Otherwise, please contact:


For Maintenance assistance please contact Andrew Greisen at 402-270-5935.

For other please contact Mark Borchers at 402-276-1351


For further assistance in the following areas please contact the appropriate board member.


Trevor Jarosz-402-270-9933 Water, Sewer, Streets, Finance, Fire, Auditorium, Personnel

Tyler Arndt- 402-270-7437- Streets, Public Safety, Fire, Auditorium, Personnel

Jessica Hake- 402-942-2904- Public Safety, Park/Recreation, Community Improvement

Tyler Coble- 402-270-3397- Water, Sewer, Park/Recreation,


Thank you, Nicolette Coble, Village Clerk